
In Valentine's Day, What Is The Most Romantic Thing In Your Life

In everybody's life, there will be many romantic things that strike you or leave you a deep impression. While in the whole life you've go through, which one is the most romantic happened in you or your circles. Think for a while, there will be thousands. But now, let's see the most impressive three things,maybe you'll think of some valentines day ideas for him:
Story one:
Dad asked me what he should do for Mum one day for her birthday (which also happens to be Valentine's Day) , so I suggested that he sing to her in a restaurant the song "The Way You Look Tonight" because she absolutely loved that song. Dad and I spent many mornings practicing (I play the piano and can sing, so had to teach him how to sing this song!) and he did it in the end... best romantic gesture I've been involved in!" Tanya, Social Media Entrepreneur, 25
Story two:
"I remembered a new friend who just moved to Melbourne from Perth. All her family was back in Perth and she had recurrently tonsillitis and elected to have surgery in Melbourne. I decided to make a trip to see her after operation and check how she is doing... A romantic friendship gesture, I guess!" Amber, Media Buyer, 27
Story three:
It was my birthday and usually we don't get away much because we have four girls. So we were just going to hang at our house and watch a movie after the kids went to bed. Well, I went away for a couple hours one night with my daughters to the store, which they said they needed to go to. Here I came back a couple hours later and see my hubby had lasagna made, wine, candlelit dinner, and cheesecake, which is my fave. He even made Italian cheese bread for me, all by himself. He also had our song playing on the radio, a CD filled with songs I liked...yeah it touched me so...I never had that done before.
So now, we everybody should do something valuable or meaningful to add the deep of your life.
Then How to Plan a Romantic Valentine's Day Date? It's really a question for you to think over. Which will be the good idea you serve for him or her? Maybe you can choose this sexy lingerie as gift. A nice gift for your loved one could be a live miniature rose plant that will remind them of you long after cut roses have gone, a longed-for novel with red ribbon around it, a poem written by you, a photo collage of the two of you, etc. Think of really personal gifts that reflect how you feel about your love.

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