
What Is 3D Printing And Aplication of The 3D Printing

3 d Printers (3 d Printers) is designed by a magical printer named Enrico Denny (Enrico Dini) inventors , it not only can "print" a complete building, even astronauts in the spacecraft printing supplies for any shape.

3 d printers, also known as 3 d printers, is a kind of accumulated manufacturing technology, namely a kind of rapid prototyping machine, it is a model of digital document as the foundation, using the special wax material, powder metal or plastic adhesive materials, such as through print layers of adhesive materials to create 3 d objects.3 d printers are used to make product at present stage.Print one by one the way to construct the object technology.The principle of 3 d printer is put data and raw material in the 3 d printer, the machine will be in accordance with the procedures to make the product layers.

Stacked thin layer in the form of a 3 d printers are diverse. 3 d printers and traditional printers, the biggest difference is that it USES the "ink" is real materials, there are various in the form of a stack of thin layer, species diversity, can be used in the print medium from various plastic to metal, ceramic and rubber.Some printers can also be combined with different media, printed object a head of hard and soft, the other end.

1, some 3 d printers use "ink".Using printer nozzle will be a very thin layer of liquid plastic material spraying on molding tray, and then placed in the coating processing under ultraviolet light.After molding tray down the smallest distance, for the next layer stack up.

2, and the use of a technique called "deposition molding", the entire process is melting plastic inside the nozzle, and then through the way of sedimentary plastic fiber to form a thin layer.

3, some systems use a technique called "laser sintering, the powder particles as print media.Powder particles were sprayed on molding tray form a very thin layer of powder layer, fused into a specified shape, and then by spewing liquid adhesive curing.

4, others are using electron flow melt powder particles in a vacuum, when faced with holes and cantilever such complex structure, medium requires to join gels or other materials to provide support or to occupy the space.This part of the powder will not be fused, finally only to rinse with water or air Brace can form pore.

The Application of the 3D printing technology

3 d printing technology can be used for jewelry, footwear, industrial design, architecture, engineering and construction (AEC), automotive, aerospace, dental and medical industry, education, geographic information systems, civil engineering, and many other areas.Often in the mold manufacturing, industrial design, and other fields has been used in the manufacture of models or used for direct manufacturing of some products, means that the technique is popular.Through 3 d printers can also print out the food, is the direction for the future of 3 d printers.

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